Miss C. Calvert and Mrs McGirr
Year 6 and 7: Miss C. Calvert and Mrs J. McGirr and Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Gourley
Miss Calvert is the Year 6 & 7 teacher and was appointed Principal in September 2009. Miss Calvert enjoys drama and looks forward to working on the various productions the school puts on during the year such as the Christmas play. Mrs McGirr also works with Year 6 & 7 to allow Miss Calvert time to undertake the administrative side of her Principal's role. Mrs McGirr is very musical and teaches Music throughout the school as well as training our School Choir. She is also a PE expert and undertakes lots of the school's P E programme. SMrs Gourley works as a classroom assistant in the Year 6 and 7 room.
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Newtownstewart Model Primary School, 6 Baronscourt Rd, Newtownstewart, Omagh BT78 4EX
Phone: 028 8166 1532