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Newtownstewart Model Primary School, Newtownstewart, Omagh


27th Sep 2023
Recently we have looking at out topic of the Rugby World Cup. Following our work...
25th Sep 2023
We are delighted that Jude Gallagher, Commonwealth Gold Medallist, from our local...
22nd Sep 2023
Today we launched our outdoor learning with a fun den building session. We were so...
8th Sep 2023
We all had a lovely treat today in the hot weather and to celebrate a brilliant start...
6th Sep 2023
One of our Year 2 boys walked a mile a day during the summer holidays.  He raised...
31st Aug 2023
We had a great session today in our pair and share where we told our partner about...

2022/2023 School Year

28th Jun 2023
Today our Key Word Buddy mentors and the children they have supported had a celebration...
19th Jun 2023
Our wonderful P3, 4 and 5 classroom assistant Mrs Hill will be walking an amazing...
8th Jun 2023
Congratulations to our Year 7 pupil who received a Silver Rookie Lifeguard from the...
25th May 2023
Following a delicious breakfast after an early 7am wake up call, we headed off to...